Search Resumes in Jamaica

JobInJam is providing a large list of Jamaican Resumes. Our candidate are recruited through high-end user acquisition process that target the best Jamaican resumes available. Access to resume details is only given to employers that post job offers on JobInJam. To do so, you have to Register an Employer Account and then Post a Jamaican Job Offer.

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REG May, 20
swusafmeimxgz2lGP svusalme2takzgeGP Albania, Western Sahara
REG May, 20
REG May, 20
REG May, 19
REG May, 19
swusalmejnurxwjGP xzusalmeptzocreGP Estonia, Holy See (Vatican City State)
REG May, 19
Nicole Johnson Telecommute, Jamaica
Well rounded individual May, 19
REG May, 19
zwusalmepnrfcanGP xzusaymeymjqdeiGP Mozambique, Dominican Republic
REG May, 19
REG May, 18
Alfred Kelly Spanish Town, Jamaica
Young budding Logistician looking for a career May, 18
REG May, 18
svusafmecttddrmGP svusalmemmfbzqkGP Austria, United Kingdom
REG May, 18
REG May, 18
REG May, 18
Andre Watson Spanish Town, Jamaica
May, 17
REG May, 17
REG May, 17
zzusafmeutdjcuhGP xzusalmebmtdcufGP New Zealand, Guatemala
REG May, 17
REG May, 17