Search Resumes in Jamaica

JobInJam is providing a large list of Jamaican Resumes. Our candidate are recruited through high-end user acquisition process that target the best Jamaican resumes available. Access to resume details is only given to employers that post job offers on JobInJam. To do so, you have to Register an Employer Account and then Post a Jamaican Job Offer.

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Juanday Bryan Mandeville, Jamaica
I'm a hard working, willing and have a passion for anything I do. Aug, 16
Ricardo Kelly Kingston, Jamaica
Open to learn new skills and to serve in a contributing way that will also enhance my professional growth. Aug, 13
Tanique Eliott St.Catherine, Jamaica
Aug, 13
Malik Burnett St, James, Jamaica
Experienced scuba diver Aug, 13
svusaymekmaexwvGP xwusalmefmonxcwGP Aland Islands, Romania
REG Aug, 13
xwusalmentsectvGP xvusaymeetudczdGP Cambodia, Czech Republic
REG Aug, 12
swusalme2nohdknGP xzusaymefncdxgjGP Albania, Turkmenistan
REG Aug, 12
REG Aug, 12
Akeam Long Kingston, Jamaica
ready to adjusted to new areas, and I'm very efficient Aug, 12
Odeth Miller Bryan Manchester, Jamaica
experience in cashiering and Aug, 11
Venessa Anderson Kingston, Jamaica
Experience in costumer service Aug, 10
REG Aug, 10
Crystal Hanson St Elizabeth, Jamaica
Aug, 10
Jodi-Ann South Savanna-la-mar, Jamaica
I have the typing speed of 30 wpm, I am a great problem solver and a amateur footballer, i am a aspiring writer. Aug, 10
REG Aug, 09
Hediann Hunt St Catherine, Jamaica
Aug, 09
REG Aug, 09
Nile Hewitt Maypen, Jamaica
Chef Aug, 09
Nile Hewitt Maypen, Jamaica
Chef Aug, 09
REG Aug, 09