Virginia Dare (Ja) Ltd Jobs in Jamaica

Virginia Dare (Ja) Ltd Jobs in Jamaica

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Browse the latest Virginia Dare (Ja) Ltd Job vacancies and careers in Jamaica. Virginia Dare (Ja) Ltd is a company domicilied at 5 Leonard Rd Kingston 10 Jamaica . Like all companies in the Cakes sector, they often have job offers in Jamaica. You are looking for a job in Jamaica? This company will be pleased to contact you using JobInJam. Don’t forget to create a resume online on JobInJam

Virginia Dare (Ja) Ltd: Business details

Virginia Dare Ja. Limited is Jamaica’s leading flavour house, incorporated in June 1969 manufacturer of the finest food flavours, colours, syrups and extracts. Proudly, w e serve a wide range of customers in the food & beverage industries throughout the island. We currently export to the USA and Canada. In recent years, this dynamic company embraced the packaging industry by competitively stocking plastic caps and bottles, related mainly to the beverage market. In addition, the company has also recently embarked on supplying fragrances for use in personal care and industrial products. Our warehouse stocks a wide variety of food flavours and extracts to cater mainly to the beverage, baking, dairy, dessert and confectionery industries. For special items, if we don’t stock it, we will get it for you! Trust our team of technical & quality experts to assist you in choosing the right ingredients, and through their expertise and knowledge in helping you develop your individual unique product. Virginia Dare has been blessed with a talented team who serves its customers with royalty. As the company sets out to embrace the future and its challenges, the closely-knit team is zealously working on improving key areas to keep its customers satisfied. At Virginia Dare our product range encompasses top-quality additives, colours, flavours, food ingredients, fragrances, industrial bases, cordials and syrups. Our products are of the highest quality and are available within your budget. We offer a wide assortment of baking products that come in a variety of colours and flavours. Start baking today!

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Virginia Dare (Ja) Ltd careers: Contact Informations

Virginia Dare (Ja) Ltd's phone numer is 876-926-6750.
This Jamaican company address is 5 Leonard Rd Kingston 10 Jamaica .
You can also contact them on social networks: Find a job