Mandeville Hotel Jobs in Jamaica

Mandeville Hotel Jobs in Jamaica

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Browse the latest Mandeville Hotel Job vacancies and careers in Jamaica. Mandeville Hotel is a company domicilied at 4 Hotel St Mandeville, Manchester Jamaica . Like all companies in the Restaurants sector, they often have job offers in Jamaica. You are looking for a job in Jamaica? This company will be pleased to contact you using JobInJam. Don’t forget to create a resume online on JobInJam

Mandeville Hotel: Business details

Mandeville Hotel offers a unique blend between modern and traditional, convenience and tranquility. Mandeville Hotel provides Chicken Caesar Salad, Arches Burger, Jamaican Spe cial, Grilled Fish Fillet, Personal Pizzas, jerked Tofu, Roast Chicken, Grilled Chicken, Club Sandwiches, Sweet & Sour Veggie-Steak and Italian Meatballs & Spaghetti.. Mandeville Hotel caters mainly to Corporate Jamaica Clients and business persons on the go. They provide the perfect location to transact business on the go. Their customer service is second to none. Mandeville Hotel meals are delicious served by their in house restaurant Archives. Flexible packages and rates are also available.

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Mandeville Hotel careers: Contact Informations

Mandeville Hotel's phone numer is 876-962-2460.
This Jamaican company address is 4 Hotel St Mandeville, Manchester Jamaica .
You can also contact them on social networks: