Lai Clive A Dr Jobs in Jamaica

Career in Caribbean

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Browse the latest Lai Clive A Dr Job vacancies and careers in Jamaica. Lai Clive A Dr is a company domicilied at 23-24 Manchester Shopping Centre, Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica . Like all companies in the Doctors sector, they often have job offers in Jamaica. You are looking for a job in Jamaica? This company will be pleased to contact you using JobInJam. Don’t forget to create a resume online on JobInJam

Lai Clive A Dr: Business details

Dr A Clive Lai is a Gynecologist. Dr A Clive Lai practices and services such as Gynecology Surgeon, Specialist Antenatal care, Obstetrical and Pelvic Ultrasound Services, Colp oscopy, Cryosurgery and Minor Gynae Surgery in office includes Vaginoplasty.

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Lai Clive A Dr careers: Contact Informations

Lai Clive A Dr's phone numer is 876-962-7467.
This Jamaican company address is 23-24 Manchester Shopping Centre, Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica .
You can also contact them on social networks: Find a job