D'NexStep Sandals and Accessories Jobs in Jamaica

D'NexStep Sandals and Accessories Jobs in Jamaica

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Browse the latest D'NexStep Sandals and Accessories Job vacancies and careers in Jamaica. D'NexStep Sandals and Accessories is a company domicilied at . Like all companies in the Wedding Consultants sector, they often have job offers in Jamaica. You are looking for a job in Jamaica? This company will be pleased to contact you using JobInJam. Don’t forget to create a resume online on JobInJam

D'NexStep Sandals and Accessories: Business details

D’NexStep Sandals and Accessories takes pleasure in adding beauty, comfort and elegance to customers’ feet. They carefully select leathers, based on beauty, durability, te xture, style and comfort. Each client’s unique taste, style and comfort are always first on their mind - customisation is their specialty. Our clients can select the colour blend of their choice. Their sandals are handcrafted in Jamaica, West Indies, by talented craftsmen. Each sandal strap is made from genuine leather, our clients choose from a wide range of colours, including metallic finishes. The padded insole is made from natural leather, providing comfort to the feet, which over time will enhance the character of the feet resulting in additional comfort. The sole is man made from composition soling. The heel is ¼ inch in height with a protective anti-slip over-lay on the heel to reduce the possibility of slippage - half (½) inch covered heel is available. To reduce stripping and discolouration, our sandal s are sealed with a special leather protector which seals the finish. D’NexStep Sandals and Accessories takes pleasure in adding beauty, comfort and elegance to customers feet. They carefully select leathers, based on beauty, durability, texture, style and comfort. Each client’s unique taste, style and comfort are always first on their mind - customisation is their specialty. Our clients can select the colour blend of their choice.

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D'NexStep Sandals and Accessories careers: Contact Informations

D'NexStep Sandals and Accessories's phone numer is 876-826-4991.
This Jamaican company address is Kingston, Jamaica.
You can also contact them on social networks: http://www.facebook.com/dnexsteps