Caribbean Genetics Jobs in Jamaica

Caribbean Genetics Jobs in Jamaica

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Browse the latest Caribbean Genetics Job vacancies and careers in Jamaica. Caribbean Genetics is a company domicilied at . Like all companies in the Medical Laboratores sector, they often have job offers in Jamaica. You are looking for a job in Jamaica? This company will be pleased to contact you using JobInJam. Don’t forget to create a resume online on JobInJam

Caribbean Genetics: Business details

With our team of molecular biologists, Caribbean Genetics is able to provide confidential and accurate DNA testing. Located at the University of the West Indies, we have colle ction sites island-wide. Our expertise exists in areas such as forensic testing, genealogy and animal ID among others.

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Caribbean Genetics careers: Contact Informations

Caribbean Genetics's phone numer is 1-888-362-8378.
This Jamaican company address is Kingston, Jamaica.
You can also contact them on social networks: